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Function and usage of buttons in elevator car

2022-06-07 08:45:44

Function and usage of buttons in elevator car

1. What buttons are in the elevator car

On the control panel in the elevator car, there are generally several types of buttons such as floor selection button, door opening button, door closing button, alarm bell button, and intercom button.

2. The function and usage of various buttons in the elevator car

Floor selection button As the name suggests, it is used to select the destination floor. When the passenger enters the elevator car, they should press the button of the destination floor to select the floor, the indicator light in the button lights up, which proves that the floor has been registered and the floor selection is successful. After the door is closed, the elevator will stop in the same running direction in sequence.

Door open button At present, elevators are generally equipped with automatic doors driven by power. The door open button is used to open the door of the elevator automatic door. When the passenger is inside the car and the elevator door is in the process of automatic closing, if you find that there are passengers outside the car ready to enter the car, you can press the door open button to automatically open the elevator door. When the elevator door is completely closed and the elevator has not started running, pressing the door open button can also automatically open the elevator door again.

Door close button is a button used to operate the elevator door to automatically close. When all passengers fully enter the car and the elevator light curtain or safety touch panel is not blocked, the elevator door will automatically close after a preset period of time. In order to improve the efficiency of elevator use, passengers can automatically close the elevator doors in advance by pressing the door closing button.

Alarm bell button When passengers are trapped in the car, they can alarm the duty room and/or the engine room by pressing the alarm bell button to get timely rescue.

Intercom button When passengers are trapped in the car, they can communicate with the duty room and/or the machine room by pressing the intercom button. After the intercom button is pressed once, after the other party connects the communication device, the two parties can have a long-term call. When the call is interrupted, you can press the button again to continue to request the call.

Door open hold button Some freight elevators are also equipped with door open hold button, which is generally marked with "Delay" or "Hold". When the button is pressed, the elevator door opens and remains for a period of time for loading and unloading of goods.

3. Precautions for the use of buttons in the elevator car

When passengers take the elevator in the elevator car, they should touch the floor selection button or the door switch button lightly, and do not tap the button with force or with sharp objects (such as keys, umbrellas, crutches, etc.). When there is water or other oil stains on your hands, you should try to dry them before performing the layer selection operation, so as not to contaminate the buttons, or because the water seeps into the rear of the control panel, it will cause an open circuit or even directly shock the passengers.

When passengers lead children to take the elevator, be sure to take good care of the children, and do not let the children press the buttons on the control panel in the car. It improves the efficiency of the elevator, increases the power consumption, and also greatly increases the waiting time of passengers waiting for the elevator on other floors. Since some elevators have the function of canceling the number, pressing the button indiscriminately may also cause the floor selection signal selected by other passengers in the car to be cancelled, so that the elevator cannot stop at the preset floor. If the elevator has an anti-tamper function, pressing the button indiscriminately will cause all floor selection signals to be cancelled, which will also bring inconvenience to passengers.

Website of this article:http://kangtu.net.cn/en/news/474.html

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